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Foto del escritor: C.L.BrunaC.L.Bruna

How difficult it is to choose sometimes, especially when you don't know that you are choosing. How long thinking that I had no choice.

Here in El Cielo de Pam, I have it. And today I choose to introduce you to Ruxandra Niculae, a Romanian artist who expresses herself wonderfully through the technique of collage.

When I asked Ruxandra for information to document this post, she chose to prioritize her work, tell me about her inspiration rather than tell me about her. That makes me think that she loves her creations above all else and that they are the most important thing to her.

I have respected her wish and have not asked for any additional information. I sense beauty and colour in her heart. But above all I think I have found another dreamer for my club.

I propose a little game to you, that of inventing your ideal story through her images, built with pieces of imagination that each one of you can put together to create your “ALL”.

This is mine:

I want to live in this instant. Take a mental photograph and keep it on my retina, so I do not miss it. I need to anchor myself to it to stop thinking. I breathe, mountain air, I listen, the song of the birds, I perceive, the slippery touch of the fish in the water. I want to live in this moment, Be without having to do...

I want to live in this instant. Sing to the desert sky with my imaginary guitar, in my imaginary settings. With my imaginary audience. I don't need to get higher; I am where I should be, with my eyes on your branches. Do not be afraid of the black feathers, they form the edge of my wings, the ones that lead me to meet you when I undo my thoughts. I want to live in this moment, to be what I feel...

I want to live in this instant. With my garden inside. Something new, fresh, natural emanates from my soul... My garden lets itself be, does not influence, does not interfere, does not judge, does not lie ... it flows, grows, smells, moves with the wind. Inside out, it makes me drunk with its colours, with the taste of its dew. I want to live in this instant. Flowering effortlessly.

I want to live in this instant. I feel like floating, in a sea of white clouds above the sky of my eternal doubt. I don't even want to touch it, my hug in an impossible position, so it doesn't catch me. Here I am safe, surrounded by this blue silence, waiting for the world to flourish with new oceans. I want to live in this instant. Defying gravity.

And to close this circle we go back to the beginning. I leave you with Ruxandra's words, the ones she dedicates to this wonder that made me choose her today.

“Choices come sometimes like a routine

But at the turning point

With a silenced mind and being followed by serenity we might be blessed to realize

As above so below

And the bright sky is in our eyes”

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Juan Alonso
Juan Alonso
Apr 27, 2021

Menos mal que tienes problemas con el inglés...😉

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